poniedziałek, 15 kwietnia 2013

Best disco deejay in the history /////// first wave of disco pioneer deejays and innovators !!

by the way -
NEWS LATEST from my life

it's hard in these strange times to publish a book, reach readers
- that's why I decided to launch my profile / account on patronite.pl ---

This is an undertaking that creates a chance (if you're lucky) to gain financial support from PATRONS, i.e. people who financially support authors so that they can write, publish and exist ...

Maybe, like many others, I'll be lucky :-)


The difference between ignorance and awareness is wisdom
We don't know where we are going unless we know where we've been
Without that knowledge... history is gone with the wind

America's Number One DeeJay

he became in 2018 real 'traitor / betrayer' of disco DJ history 
and decided for collaboration to disco-crooks 
- what is total ruin of his disco DJ glory !!

story for the leading Disco History website www.djsportal.com (NOT EXIST LONGER) as same as for the books: "DISC JOCKEY" and "SILENT RECORDS" - disco encyclopedia by Yahu Pawul




Y@HU - This time my story is about TOM SAVARESE - an American deejay - an official member of the Disco DJ Hall of Fame, discotheque pioneer who remembers what was interesting in the early and late 1970's .

Tom Savarese was born in Manhattan on April 26th, 1944 at Miseracordia Hospital. He grew up in the Pelham Bay / Country Club section of The Bronx, as the only adopted child of third generation Italian - Americans. While growing up, he attended Our Lady of Assumption Elementary, School, Cardinal Hayes High School, and Fordham University, School of Education in lower Manhattan.

At age 33, his first, acknowledged spinning experience was at a small New York place on the upper East Side called, Club Cabaret. "Those days were a disaster," he recalled in an interview. Working through trial and error during the days when discos were new and the exception to the entertainment rule, he developed the technique which made him a well-known name among the industry. "I went at it to be the best, and best known," he admitted.

"It satisfied something in me that had to be accomplished." Volatile and temperamental, he conducted a personal campaign to make the world, and especially club owners, aware that deejays are not just "some guy spinning records" but an artist and entertainer. "I'm a performer, and these people out there had better know they're being entertained," he shouted. Tom Savarese was voted as the Number One Disco DJ for two years in a row at the annual Billboard Magazine's disco forums. (1976 + 1977).

In 1977 Savarese did the 2-track edit for Chic's mega-hit "Dance, Dance, Dance." It made him the first deejay to edit a Top Ten 12" single hit when it rose to number six across the nation. Later in 1977 he became the first program director for the legendary remix service "Disconet." His early mixes on the first several issues are highly sought-after collector's items. 

He also laid claim to being the first deejay at the legendary "12 West" club, one of the earliest discotheque in New York and planet Earth. By 1979 Tom was offered a substantial amount of money to perform and tour in Italy and take up residency for the summer at "Picchio Rosso" in Modena. At this point is where Tom seems to have fallen off the 'disco radar'.

He's worked as deejay for some of the USA top discotheques: Le Club, 12 West, Ice Palace, Hollywood, Turntable, The Sandpiper, Hurrahs, Flamingo, Les Mouches, A.C. Disco, Trocadero Transfer, Melons, just to name a few.

book lie about tom savarese ...

Bad, wrong and TOTAL LIE(!!) words about Tom Savarese 

This is to counter the Tim Lawrence comment in his book "Love Saves the Day" - (page no - 418 - see scan pix above). WELL - part of the text / words about Tom Savarese are TOTAL LIE(!) and gossip distribution - no smallest connection to the true story Tom Savarese wrote to me !!! These words were told to Tim Lawrence by any(?) mad and jealous, over ego witness - specially and maliciously against Tom Savarese to destroy his good fame, his legend and good name. Shame to the person(?) (name hidden by author - why ?) behind the quote (Mancuso, Siano ??), to Michael Brody (the owner of the Paradise Garage - RIP) and the other person(?) (name hidden by author - why ?) who told this fake, mischievously created "anecdote" about Tom !!!

Picture below and history fact taken of life of Tom Savarese proove something opposite. Picture show Tom Savarese with his gay partner in life at that time of Paradise Garage. This partner name is Alan Adrian Robinson (black-afro-american dude as you can see). No doubt – that people responsible for such a lie, harm, malicious, gossip distribution are fake disco history creators (in above case) - I mean - author Tim Lawrence and his publisher - Duke University Press - USA !!! Shame to all of you !!!


TAS (Thomas Anthony Savarese) & Alan Adrian Robinson

Tom Savarese 2008


more in my giant, rare eBook on DVD+R record available:


this book available on 



... click on the pix to enlarge ...


problem with Tom Savarese is he is person with hard human character who do not want contact with '70 disco era people, etc. I try to hold / keep contact but do not work. If he ever die we do not know many years even maybe ...
sad but real ...


... if any of ’70 disco era pioneers want / ever decide send me any of DISCO / DJ historic materials like pictures, press, written memories, etc. - then my address for is:


It looks like - I’m the only one who cares DISCO / DJ history very serious, professional way and save all for future generations !! :-))))))



!! Best, largest / biggest eBook about disco and DJ history ever !!

About 2000 text pages to read (unique interviews 
with creators / innovators of disco / DJ, articles, etc.)

A few thousand of pictures and scans (many of them no other sources)
- over 13.000 files / 400 folders / 4GB INCREDIBLE(!!) content:

- disco history told by its ’70 creators, innovators, orginators
- over 130 interviews of DJ's, artists, producers, journalists, etc.
- you can buy this UNIQUE eBook on this blog by author contact :-) ---------------->>

The difference between ignorance and awareness is wisdom
We don't know where we are going unless we know where we've been
Without that knowledge... history is gone with the wind

Deejay like me deserve all gratitude and compensation for the harm / LIVE RISK suffered --- special awards of American Music Industry as same as USA administration
--- my bio below and in my books:

"YAHUDEEJAY - trampled dreams" - polish disco & deejay history in English:

"Silent Records" - worlwide disco & deejay history in English

"Discjockey" - polish disco & deejay history in Polish
BUT real industry and administration not crooks / pretenders as this luis orellana / 'legends of vinyl' (link below) and bunch of idiots around him - supported by some full stupid disco era artists, deejays, etc. !!

see – they have published story and interview with me in Paris -

... over 70 blogs author - red by over 2.612.000 readers worldwide ...
check them all under below link:

!! No one of worldwide DJs risked its life to play USA-R&B-Dance music in '70  
as YahuDeej@y did !! Most persecuted DJ in '70 communist regime Poland !!



‘deejays aren't great because of their technique,
they are great because of their passion.’   Yahu Pawul

anyone can help in access to such disco era press please ? 
---- I'm interested original issues as same as scan copies ...


'special information'
Crime against Disco and DJ history 
Jan 'yahudeejay' Pawul - old polish disco deejay (67), 
one of the very first disco-DJs (1970) on planet Earth 
- DJ who serious risked his life to play / popularise USA music 
when deep communist regime in '70 Poland 
- HE is strongly and sadistically-cruel persecuted by USA person 
name luis orellana and his priv.-org. name 'legends of vinyl' !!

... click on the pix to enlarge ...
* these jerk-creatures responsible for *

!! BEST - Disco & DJ history eBooks !! 

Fact is - these are best books / documents about '70 disco & DJ history ever - because 
of memories of real disco era DJs / real discotheque innovators and pioneers !! 

The best and biggest ever (among other) Disco & DJ history books - disco history told by its ’70 creators - you can buy this UNIQUE eBooks on 



... click on the pix to enlarge ...

!! very modern electronic book / eBook on DVD-R disc as DVD-Rom 
including text as ‘pdf’ files and ‘jpg’ as pictures / illustrations. 

You need DVD need station / reader on your computer 
to open and read book on screen.

... better !! 
- I was a DJ in early '70 
- before there were NO discotheques even 
and disco DJ profession :-))))

* an real first generation disco pioneer discjockey

author / disco & DJ historian

(C) copyright
Proszę przesyłać uwagi, sugestie, propozycje zdjęć i tekstów bezpośrednio na adres:   pawul70@gmail.com                                                                                                        
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Please send comments, suggestions, photo and text suggestions directly to the following address: pawul70@gmail.com

The author of the blog will make every effort to ensure that the presented content is true
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However, considering how the global internet works, etc., it should be taken into account that this often cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, incorrect information - the lack of authorship of photos, texts, documents, etc. disclosed on this blog cannot be the basis for any claims without prior contact with the author to establish the facts, etc.

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